A Charmed Comic Book! The ‘Comic Book of Shadows’ will be released in June of 2010, it’s only a month away! I can’t wait. Alyssa, Holly and Rose have all signed off on the use of their likeness and the writers from Charmed novels are working away on a new series for Zenescope. The sexy evil fighting witches are back in their own comic book season of Charmed.
Much like Buffy’s success with Joss Whedon and Dark Horse, finally someone has stepped up to the plate to create a Charmed comic book series. I have watched the entire series and own the Book of Shadows and will be re-watching and finishing the series with my boyfriend this year since we are lacking in the cable television department. I am psyching myself up for the new series and I can not wait to see what is going to happen with Alyssa and her new husband, and I want to see the artwork and how they deal with the children in the new time line.
Zenescope, you are my hero but please, PLEASE don’t bring Pru back. She was the least attractive, the least interesting and Shannon obviously didn’t want anything to do with Charmed after she left the show in season 3. I can forgive many changes and liberties taken to make the series mesh with the vision of the company but If you bring that sister back I will be very very displeased!
Anyways, I will be picking up the comic the day it comes out and will be giving a nice run down for everyone so they can pick up issue #1 in July the next month.
Blessed Be Comic Book Fans,
The Hottest Geekette <3
I know, I can't wait. It better be spell-tacular!!!
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