Sunday, May 30, 2010

R.W.L. Mark Hamill ♥

Tragic news for all of the Harley Quinn lovers and Joker enthusiast, and fans of all shapes and sizes. The legend is going to retire. After the next Arkham Asylum game the beloved Mark Hamill will have his ‘last hurrah’ as the iconic Joker.

For more information about his retirement please read this story:

Mark Hamill you will be missed.  You are loved and were truly delightful as the dangerous and memorable Clown Prince of Crime. You made the Joker who he is today. You and Paul Dini are the real reasons that The Joker is so iconic today, as your laugh, your voice and, of course, the terrible jokes you pulled were a turning point for the comic book world.

The Joker evolved in every episode and medium. Beginning his appearances as The Clown Prince of Crime, in which he became famous for his burglaries with a laugh, before evolving into a true Crime Lord with Henchmen and his beloved, though abused, Hench Wench.  Eventually the Joker would become the truly maniacal murderer so many know him as today, a villain who was truly insane and had no boundaries, only jokes.

I thank you, Mark Hamill, Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin and Paul Dini for creating the Bat-verse in the animated series that would stick with me for my entire life. I want to thank you for your reunion on the first Batman: Arkham Asylum game and for returning for your “last hurrah” on the second game.

As a Harley Quinn fan and cosplayer I will weep for the end of the Joker, for the loss of his amazing laugh and the voice that inspired or scared us all.

With all the love a Hench Wench can give; “I love you Mistah J!”

Relax With a Laugh Mark Hamill! <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grimm Fairy Tales – Chick Fight

You know it’s appealing when two women fight, everyone does (Well, as long as the women are attractive and we always envision they will be). In Volume 4 of Grimm Fairy Tales Sela, the main character who goes around with her book of fairy tales and tries to help those in need, and Belinda have a massive chick fight. Belinda is a fiery genie set on destruction and having fun and she almost seems to be taking orders from something whether she knows it or not.
The battle takes place in a barren ice land where Sela goes through a mirror in order to stop Belinda from causing anymore harm. After Sela saved a little fire starting boy she has the courage and knowledge that she is meant to do what is right. Belinda with her book of fairy tales and Sela with hers battle with fairy tale monsters. They summon the creatures such as The Beast, The Big Bad Wolf and The Three Bears to battle each other and eventually to go after which ever conjurer that is unprotected. The creatures come forward just as I envisioned a real Magic of the Gathering battle would be like. Two wizards or in this case beautiful women use some sort of means such as cards or a fairy tale book to summon forth monsters or creatures to battle between them until the other conjurer is left defenseless and eventually looses.
Volume four of The Grimm Fair Tales features Rapunzel, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The Snow Queen and finally Snow White and Red Rose parts 1 and 2. Throughout the stores from this volume and the last you learn a lot about poor Sela’s past and the fact that she has lived longer then imaginable. She has lost love and almost given up hope for the human race which she is supposed to fight so hard to save. Belinda has pushed doubts into her mind and poor Sela is faced with a very difficult decision.  
Of particular interest if you don’t read anything from Volume 3 at least pick up The Juniper Tree to get an in depth look at the interesting character, Sela. The next volume looks promising with the former stories featuring Sela as the main character now Belinda is getting a shot in the lime light starting with the magical story of The Little Mermaid!
Stay tuned to fairy tale updates as I collect more from Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales.

The Hottest Geekette

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Am I a Traitor or I am finally giving in to reality?

I love DC! I will always have a soft spot for Detective Comics in my heart. They introduced me, enticed me and made me become the comic book enthusiast I am today. For all of that I must thank them. They gave me the adorable Harley Quinn with her sadistic relationship with the dangerously hilarious Joker and they also enlightened me with the beautiful Kara Starr from the Superman-verse but lately my affections have been waning slightly.

Harley Quinn, Kara Starr and even the Titans will still see blog posts from me, as well as the occasional Smallville update as I still love and will be reading the comics and buying the seasons. They just won’t and don’t have my undivided attention anymore. Zenescope with its Grimm Fairy Tales and new Charmed Comic books have grabbed a piece of my heart as well as DarkHorse with Angel and Buffy comics that I hope to start collecting in a few pay checks. My ultimate realization that DC was losing me as a diehard fan was when I realized how many Marvel comics I not only wanted but owned.

I have purchased the Anita Blake series from Marvel, which at first wasn’t all that bad because it wasn’t Marvel I was supporting but Laurell K. Hamilton as an author. Then a few weeks ago I purchased, read and loved Pixie Strike’s Back. I love Pixie, and innocent young girl with pink hair and beautiful wings that loses part of her soul and becomes a complex three-dimensional character. Now that I have met her through my comics I really want to start collecting backwards until I have most of her comics and then I can branch off into other X-men.
This isn’t a new interest for me as I have the old 90’s cartoon and was disappointed by the FOX attempt at motion pictures but in Comic Book form I am a traitor. I am no longer just a DC Fan but a Comic Book Fanatic that will read anything that interests me and all that I enjoy I will collect.

Detective Comics, you will always have a special place in my heart, but it is the Bat-verse that truly holds me and its connections with the Titans and Super-verse that I will read. Other than that my loyalties are now compromised and I will be reading Zenescope, Dark Horse, Marvel and any other comic books that happen to catch my attention.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Marvel Movies

Oh FOX Studios, whatever did you think you were doing creating movies of characters so far beyond your grasp. I have recently re-watched the Dare Devil movie, X-men movies as well as the Marvel Studio’s Iron Man and Hulk. I have to say that the difference in story line, character development and understanding as well as overall enjoy ability is remarkable. I truly hope that Marvel can take back X-men rights some day and make a movie that doesn’t cause me physical pain.

The storyline in the first X-men movie was poor but forgivable, there need to use Rogue as a popular character but not keep her true to the comics or cartoon was hurtful and the fact that she was in place of Jubilee was just sad. Then the second movie came, it had promise, some interesting plot and I think Cyclops had only 3 lines in the entire movie. Then the third broke the mold and not in a positive way. The Phoenix story was absurd and the death of Cyclops was unneeded, ignored and never truly dealt with.

It was extremely hard to take the trilogy seriously and it was sad that such good actors were wasted on such a terrible plot and execution of the X-men as I knew and loved them.

Finally Marvel Studios has taken flight and is creating a few movies with amazing plots and character development that will eventually lead us to The Avengers! The characters all have their proper costumes so far, they are interesting and up to date and extremely enjoyable. Congratulations on your recent release of Iron Man 2 Marvel. It was amazing and I can’t wait for Thor and Captain America to come out and blow me away!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gotham City Sirens #11 – Harley’s Hyenas

    After the long move and my strong distraction with Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales I have finally caught up on my Gotham City Sirens. Yesterday at my local comic book shop I picked up the latest issue of Gotham’s three favorite villainesses. The story starts with Selena running, doing her normal boring whatever then it turnout that everyone is town is missing there dogs. When Selena tells Harley she is saddened and can’t understand why people don’t keep a better eye on their animals. She wrestles with her ‘babies’ and then begs Cat Woman to go out and help her find the culprits and return the dogs to their rightful owners.

    While Selena and Harls are off trying to save some dogs and their pet owners Pamela is creating her own trouble. She has a new job at S.T.A.R. Labs and we all know how well Pam does in the real world. She tries to be the dominant women in the work place and create an image for herself so she can just disappear into the labs botanical area and play with the impressive plants. In her attempt to become Miss. High-and-Mighty she fires a crew of scientists. Of course this must come back to haunt her in the next issue and we will see how and if Ivy will be saved or if she can save herself.
    Back on the dog mission Harley makes a terrible discovery about her own care for her ‘babies’ and Selena informs Harley they she must donate her Hyena’s to the local Zoo. Harley can’t do that, they are her babies. It’s goes, Joker has Harley, Harley has Bud and Lou, her Hyena’s that she lovingly calls her ‘babies’. The ‘babies’ were named after Bud Abbot and Lou Costello thanks to the Joker. They are like her trade mark, it’s like telling Cat Woman to be rid her Whip and Isis (her black cat from early comic books and Batman:TAS). I can’t see Cat Woman willingly giving up her Isis, nor Ivy willing to leave her garden behind with all of her babies so how can they ask poor Harls to get ride of her ‘babies’?
I ask you Paul Dini! First you ruin Harley’s history by giving her a two-dimensional family background, by making her part of the girl power squad when she is the most used woman of Gotham, break her and The Joker up and now you want to take away her ‘babies’! You are a monster. I love you as you created my beloved Harley Quinn, made Joker a phenomenal character and all together made a fun and colourful Gotham, but what are you doing to my Harley Quinn?

The Hottest Geekette

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vampires Vs Werewolves? Which do you choose?

With the crazy ‘twigay’ love that has recently run rampant over the world all of the scary villains that would normally be considered gross or scary are now lovable and romantic and sexual fantasies. Now when I was young I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and became infatuated with the idea of Vampires of all sorts but a vampire is a soulless creature that needs blood to survive and runs on instinct and seems to lean towards violence. A few vampires with strong spirits or interesting circumstances could for a time become good. Angel in fact was cursed with a soul and constantly lost it throughout Buffy and the Angel series where he became evil. Spike fought for his soul to prove his love to the slayer and thus a good vampire has a soul and a normal, evil vampire does not and is therefore not a romantic fantasy. A vampire, just like rape or aggressive sex can be a sexual fantasy and there is nothing wrong with the people who do enjoy that but the teeny boppers and the ‘prostitots’ need to stop dressing like they want some creature of the night to swoop down and save them from their loveless life because it isn’t a nice sparkly vampire that is going to come and save them, it’s actually going to be something craving blood and death and maybe some violence if they like your scream. 

Now for werewolves, creatures that are human by day and lose control and eat and kill things during the full moon. These creatures will also kill you, and a good example again is Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Oz being a werewolf and Willow needed to lock him up at night to keep him and others safe from his wolf side. Twilight, or what many prefer to call it ‘Twigay’ takes both of these monster, and yes that is what they are, and promotes them to teens and children as heroes and romantic partners.
A better version would be Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake series where Anita fights to stay away from these monsters and the character development of Jean Claude and Richard shows these creatures for what they truly are. Richard fights his darker side and tries to be a good guy and eventually the anger from his wild side rides him. Jean Claude may be a vampire but he comes from a line of vampires that not only feed on blood but on emotion, specifically lust and love and so he isn’t as physically 
dangerous and other vampires that would only feed on blood and the death or pain of their victim. 

All in all, I enjoy vampires, tolerate werewolves and have a deep love for faeries. Laurell K Hamilton writes an amazing series for Merry Gentry starting with A Kiss Of Shadows. This has a faeries princess, two faerie courts, death, royal politics, assassinations, rape, bodyguards, a harem, a malevolent queen, delusional king and a sadistic prince. The entire series is riveting, seductive and addictive. Whether you like were wolves, panthers or snakes, Vampires, Faeries or whatever creature truly exists in the ‘twigay’ world this decade is the time to indulge. All the supernatural movies and television shows are rocketing through the box office, books are being published and comic books with these magical undertones are being pushed to the audiences view.

Enjoy the Supernatural Revolution,
The Hottest Geekette<3

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Would you buy a comic book online? 

Not order and wait for it to come in the mail, but would you enjoy a digital copy of a comic book? Many people are buy iBooks for their iPads or other versions to read on a screen. 

iMovies and iMusic(iTunes) are being purchased by many but what about the comic book. Many older readers may not like the idea, the comic book is a feeling, a memory, a lifestyle. You go to your local comic book store, you purchase you comic book while talking to those of your community and you make friends, have fun and hear some news about the comic book world that you may not have learned on your own. Yes comic books are a hobby, habit and lifestyle that many won’t want to break but what about the newer comic book fans. Are you looking for the very first Superman, do you want to attempt to get caught up on the Batman history and timeline, did you miss the death of Captain America? Why not go online, purchase an iComic at a reduced price. You may not be able to hold it, but you can read comic books that would take you years to find and purchase otherwise. 

I am personally trying to collect every comic book that had Harley Quinn in it, and let me tell you, not a lot of comic book stores can promise to have what I am looking for. What if I bought them online? What if I had an online collection to rival my already established paper copy collection? I may even buy both, what if I want to be able to send my friend in B.C. The Grimm Fairy Tales comic books but shipping is expensive, now I can purchase it for a reduced price online and send it to her. Maybe I can trade already read comics with other fans or now if something were to happen to my comic books, there is a flood, fire, they are stolen. 

I have internet back ups that I can get at any internet location. Are you going on a trip, don’t have a lot of room to pack your comic books safely but you have an iPhone, Laptop or iPad? Now you can purchase the comics and have them with you anywhere you go. I don’t think that online copies will make the paper backs obsolete because a lot of people are going to want to touch their comic books, they are going to want to go into their local Comic Book or Hobby Shop but now with iComicsOnDemand they can read comics that they couldn’t find in the past. They can take their comics with them anywhere, they can lend comic books without fear of them being damaged and they can send them from province to province or state to state without shipping charges. 

Would you buy an online comic?

A Question from your Hottest Geekette. <3

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Guilty Pleasure!

Anita Blake is a Necromancer, Vampire Slayer, Federal Marshal and much more. Laurell K. Hamilton’s novels based around Anita Blake’s world have become best sellers in Canada and the States. It has been a long time since I have looked into the Vampire Hunter’s world, but I was preoccupied with Laurell’s novels about Merry Gentry.

Recently I finished the Merry Gentry series and had no where to go while waiting for the next novel to be released so I decided to jump back into Anita’s world and what do I find? Graphic Novels, a comic book collection of Guilty Pleasures the first Anita Blake novel in the series. Instead of finishing Guilty Pleasures the novel I had in my office I decided to pick up the collection of Guilty Pleasures comic books. I finished Volume one that day and had to start the next volume on the ride to see my family. Thankfully my boyfriend always drives.

I fell in love with the artwork and how they portrayed the characters, it was perfect and extremely true to the novel that I remember. I am only sad the The Laughing Corpse isn’t at my local comic book shop and I can’t wait for it to be published into volumes and to purchase it for my reading pleasure.

While in the comic book shop I also noticed some Anita Blake comics that were not part of the original novel series. It was a prequel, Edward, the first encounter with Jean Claude and a closer look at the character we all know and love. I will be picking this up on my next trip to the local comic book shop and will be waiting to see the wonderful Micah and many other lovely men in comic book form in the future. Keep on writing Laurell, you are an inspiration to us all.

The Hottest Geekette

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A Charmed Comic Book! The ‘Comic Book of Shadows’ will be released in June of 2010, it’s only a month away! I can’t wait. Alyssa, Holly and Rose have all signed off on the use of their likeness and the writers from Charmed novels are working away on a new series for Zenescope. The sexy evil fighting witches are back in their own comic book season of Charmed. 

Much like Buffy’s success with Joss Whedon and Dark Horse, finally someone has stepped up to the plate to create a Charmed comic book series. I have watched the entire series and own the Book of Shadows and will be re-watching and finishing the series with my boyfriend this year since we are lacking in the cable television department. I am psyching myself up for the new series and I can not wait to see what is going to happen with Alyssa and her new husband, and I want to see the artwork and how they deal with the children in the new time line. 

Zenescope, you are my hero but please, PLEASE don’t bring Pru back. She was the least attractive, the least interesting and Shannon obviously didn’t want anything to do with Charmed after she left the show in season 3. I can forgive many changes and liberties taken to make the series mesh with the vision of the company but If you bring that sister back I will be very very displeased! 

Anyways, I will be picking up the comic the day it comes out and will be giving a nice run down for everyone so they can pick up issue #1 in July the next month. 

Blessed Be Comic Book Fans,
The Hottest Geekette <3

Saturday, May 8, 2010

American McGee’s Alice:

Alright, so I think that my Dell laptop has finally kicked the bucket, which isn’t too upsetting because I do have my Mac which has never let me down. Unfortunately my Dell was the only computer that I could play American McGee’s Alice. I truly believe that this game should be redone, remade and resold. I need a copy for a PS3, DS or computer. 

I never got to finish the game, and I loved just sitting back while the character moved to her own programming and began to slice at her wrists. This game was dark, creepy and perfect. The Cheshire Cat (my joker cards for my final project) was amazing and had some pretty unforgettable lines that made you giggle or scratch your head. Alice was older, darker and had a very colorful history in this version of her story. Alice heads back to wonderland after being placed in an insane asylum when her parents die in a horrible fire in their home. 

Mr. McGee, not that you would be reading this. But I need your game resold for a different console please. I also heard rumors that a movie was being made and I’m very upset that it hasn’t happened yet, and now you have allowed Burton to steal all the lime light. Good bye to my poor laptop, may you rest in pieces and to my American McGee’s Alice, I hope to see you again.
Pleasant gaming from yours truly, because you never know when you won’t have that game again.

The Hottest Geekette <3

Novel or Comic Book

I am trying to write a story right now, with a Witch as the main character and a few other interesting creatures making the plot line a little more colorful and I’m not sure whether I should write it as a novel like I have already started or if I should strip it down and split it up into dialogue, box set up and character description and make it a comic book instead. 

If I go with the novel I won’t be able to see my characters come to life on paper with images that everyone can agree on but I will be able to write more and create all the description I can about the characters. I can ramble on and have my voice truly tell the story. Also, if I create a comic book I need to find an artist I can work with you will add in their own flare while still meeting with my vision.
I could always try to do both, continue writing the novel as it is and also create a character description sheet for an artist and a time line with important plot points to help create panels for the idea of a comic book and perhaps that will allow me to follow in the footsteps of my literary hero; Laurell K. Hamilton with her bestselling novels of Anita Blake that have been turned into comic books for the fans to really see what she wants those hunks to look like. 

Well I have plenty of time to ponder this over as I don’t expect to be done the story for a long time and then I have to fine tune, add description and start getting feedback from people who are not involved with the story to help me make it enjoyable for people who don’t know me as well. 

Wish Me Luck.
The Hottest Geekette. <3

Friday, May 7, 2010

Moved In!

Finally settled in. Everything is unpacked except my large book collection that is waiting on my book case. My office is roughly set up and my room now feels like mine. I am very happy with my new apartment, though it badly needs a major cleaning. The previous tenant seems to of been incompetent. She didn’t clean anything while she lived there and left it in a huge mess when she moved out. We had needles on the window sill, a couch in the hallway, more hair on the bathroom sink than I thought possible, in fact there was people and cat hair everywhere. My mother –in-law (or so I’m told) cleaned out my fridge, my sister and I did dishes and in general everyone helped me clean and move stuff into the house. My boyfriend unpacked, tidied and cleaned a lot while I was at work all week and I really appreciate all he did. 

More photos will be posted on Facebook over the weekend and next week for people to see. Hopefully I will be skyping with my dear friend in British Columbia now that I have internet and I can give her the full tour. Kara is set up in the living room and already sprints around the floor and couch. Gemini has started to explore the entire apartment and demands that anytime you sit on the couch she must be on your lap or you will face her wrath. I have my movies all set up and displayed. They are organized by genre with Comic Book related movies on the top with Smallville, Batman, Spiderman, Teen Titans and much more all waiting to be watched again. My Joss Whedon section is also set up but missing Dr. Horrible which I need to find soon. Also, my boyfriend and I found Hercules with Kevin Sorbo, it’s the first season with 4 movies at the beginning. Two of the movies feature Lucy Lawless (not as Xena) and Renee O’Connor (not as Gabrielle). We’ve watched the first two and with the lack of cable it will become our new show. 

Rogue and Patches are not with us, they stayed at my boyfriend’s parent’s house and will be coming up another weekend, after we are more settled in and when our landlord isn’t around.
All in all, even with the lack of a shower while it was being repaired, the slow internet set up and the dirty apartment I am very happy to have my own place and to be living with my wonderful boyfriend. I know this entry wasn’t really comic book related but it was important to my life and now that I have moved and I have internet and some time I will hopefully be able to read some more comics and blog at least once every two weeks. (Probably a lot more certain weeks)

Hope everyone has a great day, enjoys every adventure that comes their way and can enjoy life.
The Hottest Geekette <3