How the Comic Book World entered my Wonderland:
When I was in my teenage years I decided I needed to know more about my favourite character from DC’s Batman The Animated Series. I started with a very generic Google search of my beloved Harley Quinn and found out she had her own comic book series. I was ecstatic and at the nearest FanExpo in Toronto I buckled down and found a comic book distributer to help me start my ever-growing collection. After my initial introduction to comic books I realized that not all comic books are about superheroes and once I found Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales and other spin offs as well as Dark Horses Buffy I was completely hooked on strong female characters in comic books. I read one comic book with Superheros and that is Power Girl, other than that I have Harley Quinn as an anti-hero in Gotham City Sirens and everything connected to Zenescope’s Wonderland and Grimm Fairy Tales.
Recently I decided to look into local comic book publishers and I have found Septagon Studios. Their mission is to publish non-traditional comic books and their focus is on great stories without a ‘superhero’ character. I love the entire idea, I want to read a comic and be enthralled by the story and the ability to relate to the characters. Septagon and Zenescope’s are styles draw me in for very opposite reasons. Septagon has very inspired artwork that is unconventional and very original; they try to spotlight local artists and are located in Toronto. Zenescope on the other hand takes light and fun fairy tales and turns them to a sexy dark art style. I believe that their more eccentric comic issue I’ve read would be their Pinocchio issue for Grimm Fairy Tales.
DC and Marvel may hold the top market share, but they need to look out for upcoming comic books with story-lines that capture their audience; who don’t rely on recognizable characters to bring in their fan base but are creating a new style of comic book.
DC Comics, you will always have my readership because I love Power Girl so much and I truly enjoy reading about my psychotic Hench Wench (Harley Quinn) but with the upcoming competition providing me with stronger female characters, more in-depth and enticing story lines and avant-garde style art I can’t say I will be loyal to you much longer.